Pamela Stovall, Professor of Communication and Journalism at UNM Gallup, teaches an Interpersonal Communication class at UNMG One of the major things she teaches is how to successfully deal with conflict. Pam's interactive presentation will explain what an "I" statement is and how it can turn a disagreement into a positive thing. Then she'll teach all of us how to do that! Every person experiences conflict - come and find out ways to deal with it!
This FREE lecture will be held at the YMCA on Indian School Rd.(address above) and will start at 6 p.m.
For more information call Ann at 291-6412.
Where & When
Trinity United Methodist Church
3715 Silver Ave. SE (corner of Silver & Solano)
2 blocks E. of Carlisle and 1 block S. of Central Ave.
Park in the lot on Solano across the street from the Church.
2nd and 4th Mondays we meet from 6 - 7:30 p.m. at:
Second Presbyterian Church
812 Edith (NE corner of Lomas & Edith)
Park in lot on North side of Church off Page Rd.,
(located by playground).
Enter Social Hall through East door.
Join us for a FREE dinner & informative program
Bring the Whole Family!
Friday, July 31, 2009
Conflict Management - Sounds Good, But How Do You Do It?
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
What Is "Internet Safety"?
Are you aware of the federal law that was created to help protect kids online? or online tools that are available that will let you help protect them from internet predators? Patricia Rael, the "Internet Expert" from the New Mexico Attorney General's office, will talk about issues we need to be aware of concerning the internet.
If you or your children use the internet you ALL need to hear the most current information about internet safety!
This will be held July 27, Monday, at Second Presbyterian Church on the corner of Lomas and Edith. Meeting begins at 6 pm. You are invited to bring the whole family.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
No Cost - Low Cost Health Insurance
Join us on July 20 at 6 p.m. for a nice free meal followed by speaker Jesse Haines who will answer all your questions about how to get the much needed insurance for family members from birth to age 64! He will even have paperwork available for you to fill our right away. Do not miss this opportunity to meet an expert in the field of health insurance who actually can help you and your family! YMCA, 4901 Indian School Rd. NE. Please call Ann 291-6412 for more info.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Monday night & don't forget this Saturday!
Last night's meeting on parole/probation was VERY informative with a lively discussion that followed. High Noon Restaurant in Old Town donated a delicious meal and believe was thoroughly enjoyed by one and all!
REMEMBER...this coming Sat., July 18, meet us at Central Methodist Church, 201 University (1 block N. of Central). We leave there at 9:30 a.m. and will carpool 40+ miles to the Tent Rocks on the Cochiti Pueblo, if time & ability permits we'll swim & cool off in Cochiti Lake!
Bring lunch, snacks, plenty of water, sunscreen, camera, bathing suit, towels, & full tank of gas if you will be driving. Wear hiking or comfortable shoes, hat, backpack, and books or games to play if you don't plan to hike. (Optional folding chair). Call Ann 291-6412 for more info and also so we'll know how many are coming.
Bring the whole family for it will be a wonderful day for all!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
What You Need to Know About Probation & Parole
On Monday, July 13, Amber Dennison, a U.S. Probation Officer from Albuquerque, will explain what probation and parole entails. This meeting will give you an opportunity to ask and receive answers on this subject. Learn the do's and don'ts of probation/parole and how family members can help and get help.
This will be held at the Second Presbyterian Church, corner of Lomas & Edith, (park on north side of church). Join us at 6 p.m. for a free dinner. Please call 291-6412 for more information.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Celebrate the 4th on the 6th!
Come and enjoy a "late" July 4th celebration on July 6th which Wings for L.I.F.E will be offering. We will play games - have fun - and everyone will make their own ICE CREAM SUNDAES for dessert!
Join us for this DELICIOUS meeting starting with a free dinner at 6 p.m. at the YMCA, 4901 Indian School NE. Call 291-6412 and tell us you are coming.
How sweet it is!
Children love the program too!
Dinner at WFL
Everyone is Welcome